Monday, September 29, 2008

The Cat Came Back

We used to have a cassette that had lots of really funny, weird songs and stories on it. When searching through youtube yesterday Mum found this clip of one of the songs. It is really funny....I recommend it to you.

The Cat Came Back


Anonymous said...

It was a very good tape, Karli, up until it was attacked with scissors. My favourite songs on there would probably have to have been "John Russel Watkins" and Ghost Riders in the Night". That was a good post!
Ray Anne

Catherine said...

I used to sing that song in a choir and the memories are not pleasant... I am not even going to look!

Anonymous said...

Stop! Oh dear! You know, Karl, how we never even watched the clip but stopped after the first few seconds cuz Mum had found a better one? well, that was for a reason, so it seems, cuz today i watched it with the boys and it was dumb. even Jem, who you know laughs at just about anything, said it was silly. the song wasn't sung properly. Sorry to crush your spirit.
Keep up with the swell blogging!