Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A piece from my study reading

I came across these while I was studying today. I found them really interesting, so thought I would share : )

There is a fragile element with the notion we call 'informed choice'...Embracing uncertainty sometimes brings a sense of calm...this is not about engendering a passive fatalism but more about enabling childbearing women to learn to trust that they will cope with whatever comes their way. Working through these issues is particularly important in a culture that privileges the notions of 'choice' and 'control'.                                                               Nicky Leap 2000

Coming from a non-Christian I find this an interesting quote.

Moral life does not conveniently organise itself into deeds that can be performed, issues that can be decided, or problems that can be solved. Character comes from living. It is an ever-evolving and habituated sensitivity.                                                            Faye E Thompson 2004

And this I love!

Long before history began we men have got together apart from the women and done things. We had time.                                                                                        C. S. Lewis

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