Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Book Giveaway---Prayer by C. H. Spurgeon

I am giving away this wonderful book! It is open to all readers who want to enter. Just leave a comment ON MY BOOK BLOG POST and share about a spiritual/devotional book that has led you to come closer to God.

Here are some sentences from the back of Prayer:

"You feel like you don't know how to pray--you can't find the right words, or just can't seem to get God's attention. You will be encouraged by this treasury of devotional expressions for Charles Spurgeon."

His elegant prayers, beautiful in their simplicity, will invite you to be vulnerable before your Creator.

His profound trust in God will set an example for your own pursuit of peaceful spirit.

His persistence in intercession will motivate you to pursue God in prayer.

Also, part of one of the prayers from within Prayer:

You who are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we worship You. "Before Jehovah's awful throne, we bow with sacred joy." We can truly that we delight in God. There was a time when we feared You with the fear of bondage. Now we reverence You, but we love as much as we reverence. The thought of Your omnipresence was once horrible to us. We said, "Whither shall [we] flee from thy presence?" (Psalm 139:7). It seemed to make hell itself more dreadful, because we heard, "If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there" (v. 8).

But now, O Lord, we desire to find You. Our longing is to feel Your presence, and it is heavenly that You are there. The sick bed is soft when You are there. The furnace of affliction grows cool when You are there. The house of prayer when You are present is none other than the house of God, the very gate of heaven.


Rachael said...

I tagged you again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karli, i would love to own a book by C.H.Spurgeon. I have heard so many talk about him and quote him and i had no idea who he was, as i am relatively new to christian books, apart from what my daughters and grandaughters buy for me as gifts.

Ma x

Karli said...

Thank you for entering Ma! I am going to draw on the 4th of February...