Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chivalry Is Dead (but only in the mornings)

I was flicking through some "blogs of note" today when I came across this post:

Working Girl: Chivalry Is Dead (But Only in the Mornings)

It seems me to be slightly contradictory in that this woman embraces feminism but demands the "respect" due to women, and other "traditional" things like that. There is no logic in having your cake and eating it too. I believe that in many ways women have brought about this lack of respect themselves through their demands for "equal" treatment and status.....but that is no excuse for cowardly men who are afraid to cop the title "chauvinist" simply because they open a door for a woman. I suppose the issue should be considered from both perspectives.

An interesting topic for discussion anyway!


Bethany said...

I don't think it's just men who have lost their common courtesy. It's women too. I wonder why the author of that post didn't get up for the lady with the baby. Just visit the shops at Christmas time and you'll know what I mean

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany,

Thanks for adding your thoughts!

I agree with you seems like the lack of courtesy is pretty much across the board.

I did read some comments posted on the lady's blog though and apparently at the time of the lady with a baby the author was herself standing up......but that did cross my mind too.

Good luck with the baby photo competition! I thought those photos were definately winners : )